Friday, March 6, 2009

It's A Birthday!

No... It's not a birthday for the CSB. We celebrated our 100th last year, all year. Rather, March 6, 2009 - 80 years ago today - is the birthday of my father, Harold Shoults. Read no further if you're not interested but it's not purely personal. There is a CSB connection.

As a young Salvation Army officer my dad was appointed to the CSB in the 1950s. During the fifties and sixties he was the euphonium soloist in the band. By the time I joined the band in 1972 he'd yielded the solo work to his younger brother Art but he was the deputy bandmaster. His last stint with the band was in the 80s (I think) when he served as the Executive Officer for a period.

While he was the Executive Officer I remember a trip to Panama. At least I think it was Panama - after this many years some of the trips blend together. We were short a 2nd trombone player for the trip so my dad offerred to play 2nd and Bill Himes took him up on it. That was the only time he and I played in the same section in the CSB. I think his only regret of doing that was the march we had to do!

My dad gave me the only real music lessons I ever had outside of music camps. He started me and a bunch of other kids and adults at the Kansas City Blue Valley Corps on fluteophones after we'd learned theory basics. Then he moved me to cornet before finally letting me try the trombone at age 11. He's given most of his grandchildren lessons at one time or another as well. Two of his three children and four of his eight grandchildren have been members of the CSB.

More than teaching me to play he taught me the value of ministry through music.

On his 80th birthday his general health is quite good. His hearing and sight aren't what they used to be, but they're good enough. He's a big help to my mom in their home and teaches a weekly bible study in his subdivision.

We're not that unique when it comes to having multiple generations who have been part of the CSB. There's an entire article about it on the Central Connection - Get Connected site. But, since this is my blog and Harold's my dad I get the privilege of thanking him publicly for all he has done for me and wishing him a very happy birthday today!

My brother from Texas is flying in today and we'll celebrate at dinner tonight as a family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a nice Blog! I never had a chance to be in the CSB, but I have been truly blessed with a Godly father - with multiple talents. I'm so glad we can celebrate this milestone together - as a family! Pat Polsley (sister to Ron and daughter to Harold)


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