Friday, May 29, 2009

Day 2 - Bergen, Norway to Oslo, Norway

First, I have to apologize about the formatting on my last two posts. Those look a mess. I was using my cell phone to post those and had no idea the formatting would look like that! I'm not going to fix it but will try to do some things to make it better the next time I am doing it from my phone.

Today was an early start needing to leave Bergen, Norway at 7:30 am. We got away very close to schedule and began what is a beautiful drive across Norway going from west to east, coast to coast. The scenery really was incredible and a tribute to the majesty of God especially for us flatlanders from the Midwest of the USA. Snow capped mountains, streams, fjords and water falls were absolutely gorgeous.

To start and end the journey you must go through tunnels to get through the mountains. Some of these are quite long... one took about 20 minutes to drive through.

By the way, I don't think that I've mentioned we have a fantastic coach driver named Bo who is from Sweden. He couldn't be better. Some of you who have been over with other groups have undoubtedly met him. I know he was talking about having had the Southern Territorial Songsters last year.

About half way through the day we stopped to do a mini concert for some school children and adults from the Tuv/Hemsedal area. The children in the school in Tuv raise funds annually to help support the Salvation Army in St Petersburg, Russia. So, since we were passing through we played a concert for them and were provided lunch at the Fossheim Hotel. For most of us it was the first time having "rump roast of local moose". It was a very fancy meal and for those of us, myself included, that could get past the thought of eating Bullwinkle meat it was very tasty. The dessert was a fantastic assortment of berries and some kind of dairy dessert. Very nice.

We continued on our trip across the country and arrived at Oslo Temple about 30 minutes later than we were expected. We hastily unloaded our gear, grabbed a quick bite to eat (light meal before a concert), set up the platform and prepared for the concert.

The Oslo Temple Band marched us into the hall while playing Temple 119, a new composition by their bandmaster to commemorate their 119th anniversary. Once we were in, they played "The Star Spangled Banner" followed by the Norwegian national anthem. We then resumed the concert and the rest is history. The hall was full once again and it was a very receptive crowd. I think we played better than last night but will leave it to others to tell you how well we actually did.

Following the concert we met our hosts for the night that were mostly from the Oslo Temple Corps. I am writing from my hosts home and have seen several others connecting with home via the Internet tonight.

There's been some confusion about our departure time in the morning. Hopefully, that will work out OK. I'm sure there will be some there at our announced time of 6:30 and others won't get there until our hosts were told which is 7:30.

It has been too short of a time in Norway and we will leave tomorrow. Lovely place to visit... maybe the next time we'll have more time.

Good night.

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