Sunday, May 31, 2009

Day 4 - Jonkoping, Sweden to Stockholm, Sweden

We started our day today by conducting a workshop on music in our worship services at 9:00 am at the Jonkoping Corps. This workshop was part of the Swedish Wind Band Festival activities. The festival was one of the catalysts for this tour of northern Europe. The 30 or so attendees at this early Sunday morning workshop consisted of a mix of Salvtionists and others. Together we explored the biblical expectation of music in our worship of God.

After the workshop we put what we learned into practice as we joined together for worship and instruction from the Word. Although we worshiped in two languages our hearts were united in one Savior. It was truly a blessed time together and a number of people found their way to the altar of prayer at the conclusion of the sermon by our Executive Officer, Lt. Colonel Mickey McLaren.

Coincidentally, after 10 years of service as the CSB Executive Officer today marked the last time he will preach in worship services before his retirement at the end of June. As he had done so often in the past he was effective and faithful to the Word as he brought the message.

Interestingly, Jonkoping is the home of Ulla Olson who is married to our own Jim Olson. (When Jim gave his witness this morning he gave a portion of it in Swedish.) Alan Nelson, Mick Shay and Nathan Hellstrom all met Swedish family members in Jonkoping.

A quick (and always ample) lunch at the corps reminds me that we really have been eating a lot on this tour. Then we said our goodbyes to the friends we'd made in our short 24 hours in Jonkoping before boarding the coach bus for a 3.5 hour ride to Stockholm, Sweden where we will be until Tuesday morning.

Upon arrival at Stockholm South Corps we began in earnest preparartions for Fun Night. We weren't quite sure what to expect. Turned out we were played into the hall by their band playing "The Witness". We then proceeded to play a mini concert.

At the place where the interval would normally be the South band rolled in snacks and soft drinks inviting all gathered to enjoy food and fellowship.

Following the snacks teams from both our bands competed in several skill competitions. These included tossing coins into a bonnet, reassembling an instrument and speed playing of Star Lake. There were other events too. Some of them may make their way to Facebook or YouTube videos. The CSB were presented with fine competition parting gifts.

The Bandmaster of the South Band is Lars-Otto Ljungholm. He is also our tour conducter and organizer. Tonight was the night the corps chose to say goodbye to the Llungholm family who will shortly relocate to Texas. It was an honor to witness this farewell. It was obvious the Ljungholms are loved and will truly be missed. But it's a blessing to hear of how God has his hand in the situation.

Following Fun Night we packed our gear and headed to an American iconic restaurant, McDonald's for dinner. Gotta admit it tasted good. But I also have to admit we've eaten really well everywhere.

We've now checked into the Salvation Army Conference Center. Bandsmen are busy settling in and touching base with loved ones back home.

It's been a blessed day.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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